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package service
import (
// @title CreateAuthority
// @description 创建一个角色
// @auth (2020/04/05 20:22 )
// @param FileMd5 string
// @param FileName string
// @param FilePath string
// @return error
func CreateAuthority(a model.SysAuthority) (err error, authority model.SysAuthority) {
err = global.GVA_DB.Create(&a).Error
return err, a
// @title DeleteAuthority
// @description 删除角色
// @auth (2020/04/05 20:22 )
// @param FileMd5 string
// @param FileName string
// @param FilePath string
// @return error
// 删除角色
func DeleteAuthority(a model.SysAuthority) (err error) {
err = global.GVA_DB.Where("authority_id = ?", a.AuthorityId).Find(&model.SysUser{}).Error
if err == nil {
err = errors.New("此角色有用户正在使用禁止删除")
err = global.GVA_DB.Where("parent_id = ?", a.AuthorityId).Find(&model.SysAuthority{}).Error
if err == nil {
err = errors.New("此角色存在子角色不允许删除")
db := global.GVA_DB.Preload("SysBaseMenus").Where("authority_id = ?", a.AuthorityId).First(a).Unscoped().Delete(a)
if len(a.SysBaseMenus) > 0 {
err = db.Association("SysBaseMenus").Delete(a.SysBaseMenus).Error
} else {
err = db.Error
ClearCasbin(0, a.AuthorityId)
return err
// @title GetInfoList
// @description 删除文件切片记录
// @auth (2020/04/05 20:22 )
// @param FileMd5 string
// @param FileName string
// @param FilePath string
// @return error
// 分页获取数据
func GetAuthorityInfoList(info request.PageInfo) (err error, list interface{}, total int) {
limit := info.PageSize
offset := info.PageSize * (info.Page - 1)
db := global.GVA_DB
var authority []model.SysAuthority
err = db.Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Preload("DataAuthorityId").Where("parent_id = 0").Find(&authority).Error
if len(authority) > 0 {
for k, _ := range authority {
err = findChildrenAuthority(&authority[k])
return err, authority, total
// @title GetAuthorityInfo
// @description 获取所有角色信息
// @auth (2020/04/05 20:22 )
// @param FileMd5 string
// @param FileName string
// @param FilePath string
// @return error
func GetAuthorityInfo(a model.SysAuthority) (err error, sa model.SysAuthority) {
err = global.GVA_DB.Preload("DataAuthorityId").Where("authority_id = ?", a.AuthorityId).First(&sa).Error
return err, sa
// @title SetDataAuthority
// @description 设置角色资源权限
// @auth (2020/04/05 20:22 )
// @param FileMd5 string
// @param FileName string
// @param FilePath string
// @return error
func SetDataAuthority(a model.SysAuthority) error {
var s model.SysAuthority
global.GVA_DB.Preload("DataAuthorityId").First(&s, "authority_id = ?", a.AuthorityId)
err := global.GVA_DB.Model(&s).Association("DataAuthorityId").Replace(&a.DataAuthorityId).Error
return err
// @title SetMenuAuthority
// @description 菜单与角色绑定
// @auth (2020/04/05 20:22 )
// @param FileMd5 string
// @param FileName string
// @param FilePath string
// @return error
func SetMenuAuthority(a *model.SysAuthority) error {
var s model.SysAuthority
global.GVA_DB.Preload("SysBaseMenus").First(&s, "authority_id = ?", a.AuthorityId)
err := global.GVA_DB.Model(&s).Association("SysBaseMenus").Replace(&a.SysBaseMenus).Error
return err
// @title findChildrenAuthority
// @description 查询子角色
// @auth (2020/04/05 20:22 )
// @param FileMd5 string
// @param FileName string
// @param FilePath string
// @return error
func findChildrenAuthority(authority *model.SysAuthority) (err error) {
err = global.GVA_DB.Preload("DataAuthorityId").Where("parent_id = ?", authority.AuthorityId).Find(&authority.Children).Error
if len(authority.Children) > 0 {
for k, _ := range authority.Children {
err = findChildrenAuthority(&authority.Children[k])
return err