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package system
import (
systemRes ""
// 当开启多服务器部署时,替换下面的配置,使用redis共享存储验证码
// var store = captcha.NewDefaultRedisStore()
var store = base64Captcha.DefaultMemStore
type BaseApi struct{}
// @Tags Base
// @Summary 生成验证码
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @accept application/json
// @Produce application/json
// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"验证码获取成功"}"
// @Router /base/captcha [post]
func (b *BaseApi) Captcha(c *gin.Context) {
// 字符,公式,验证码配置
// 生成默认数字的driver
driver := base64Captcha.NewDriverDigit(global.GVA_CONFIG.Captcha.ImgHeight, global.GVA_CONFIG.Captcha.ImgWidth, global.GVA_CONFIG.Captcha.KeyLong, 0.7, 80)
// cp := base64Captcha.NewCaptcha(driver, store.UseWithCtx(c)) // v8下使用redis
cp := base64Captcha.NewCaptcha(driver, store)
if id, b64s, err := cp.Generate(); err != nil {
global.GVA_LOG.Error("验证码获取失败!", zap.Error(err))
response.FailWithMessage("验证码获取失败", c)
} else {
CaptchaId: id,
PicPath: b64s,
CaptchaLength: global.GVA_CONFIG.Captcha.KeyLong,
}, "验证码获取成功", c)