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  1. # Global Configuration
  2. # jwt configuration
  3. jwt:
  4. signing-key: 'qmPlus'
  5. expires-time: 604800
  6. buffer-time: 86400
  7. # zap logger configuration
  8. zap:
  9. level: 'info'
  10. format: 'console'
  11. prefix: '[]'
  12. director: 'log'
  13. link-name: 'latest_log'
  14. show-line: true
  15. encode-level: 'LowercaseColorLevelEncoder'
  16. stacktrace-key: 'stacktrace'
  17. log-in-console: true
  18. # redis configuration
  19. redis:
  20. db: 0
  21. addr: ''
  22. password: ''
  23. # email configuration
  24. email:
  25. to: ''
  26. port: 465
  27. from: ''
  28. host: ''
  29. is-ssl: true
  30. secret: 'xxx'
  31. nickname: 'test'
  32. # casbin configuration
  33. casbin:
  34. model-path: './resource/rbac_model.conf'
  35. # system configuration
  36. system:
  37. env: 'public' # Change to "develop" to skip authentication for development mode
  38. addr: 8888
  39. db-type: 'mysql'
  40. oss-type: 'local' # 控制oss选择走本地还是 七牛等其他仓 自行增加其他oss仓可以在 server/utils/upload/upload.go 中 NewOss函数配置
  41. use-multipoint: false
  42. # captcha configuration
  43. captcha:
  44. key-long: 6
  45. img-width: 240
  46. img-height: 80
  47. # mysql connect configuration
  48. mysql:
  49. path: ''
  50. port: ''
  51. config: ''
  52. db-name: ''
  53. username: ''
  54. password: ''
  55. max-idle-conns: 10
  56. max-open-conns: 100
  57. log-mode: ""
  58. log-zap: false
  59. # local configuration
  60. local:
  61. path: 'uploads/file'
  62. # autocode configuration
  63. autocode:
  64. transfer-restart: true
  65. root: ""
  66. server: /server
  67. server-api: /api/v1
  68. server-initialize: /initialize
  69. server-model: /model
  70. server-request: /model/request/
  71. server-router: /router
  72. server-service: /service
  73. web: /web/src
  74. web-api: /api
  75. web-form: /view
  76. web-table: /view
  77. # qiniu configuration (请自行七牛申请对应的 公钥 私钥 bucket 和 域名地址)
  78. qiniu:
  79. zone: 'ZoneHuaDong'
  80. bucket: ''
  81. img-path: ''
  82. use-https: false
  83. access-key: ''
  84. secret-key: ''
  85. use-cdn-domains: false
  86. # aliyun oss configuration
  87. aliyun-oss:
  88. endpoint: 'yourEndpoint'
  89. access-key-id: 'yourAccessKeyId'
  90. access-key-secret: 'yourAccessKeySecret'
  91. bucket-name: 'yourBucketName'
  92. bucket-url: 'yourBucketUrl'
  93. # tencent cos configuration
  94. tencent-cos:
  95. bucket: 'xxxxx-10005608'
  96. region: 'ap-shanghai'
  97. secret-id: 'xxxxxxxx'
  98. secret-key: 'xxxxxxxx'
  99. base-url: 'https://gin.vue.admin'
  100. path-prefix: ''
  101. # huawei obs configuration
  102. hua-wei-obs:
  103. path: 'you-path'
  104. bucket: 'you-bucket'
  105. endpoint: 'you-endpoint'
  106. access-key: 'you-access-key'
  107. secret-key: 'you-secret-key'
  108. # excel configuration
  109. excel:
  110. dir: './resource/excel/'
  111. # timer task db clear table
  112. Timer:
  113. start: true
  114. spec: "@daily" # 定时任务详细配置参考
  115. detail: [
  116. # tableName: 需要清理的表名
  117. # compareField: 需要比较时间的字段
  118. # interval: 时间间隔, 具体配置详看 time.ParseDuration() 中字符串表示 且不能为负数
  119. # 2160h = 24 * 30 * 3 -> 三个月
  120. { tableName: "sys_operation_records" , compareField: "created_at", interval: "2160h" },
  121. #{ tableName: "log2" , compareField: "created_at", interval: "2160h" }
  122. ]
  123. # 跨域配置
  124. # 需要配合 server/initialize/router.go#L32 使用
  125. cors:
  126. mode: whitelist # 放行模式: allow-all, 放行全部; whitelist, 白名单模式, 来自白名单内域名的请求添加 cors 头; strict-whitelist 严格白名单模式, 白名单外的请求一律拒绝
  127. whitelist:
  128. - allow-origin:
  129. allow-headers: content-type
  130. allow-methods: GET, POST
  131. expose-headers: Content-Length, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Content-Type
  132. allow-credentials: true # 布尔值
  133. - allow-origin:
  134. allow-headers: content-type
  135. allow-methods: GET, POST
  136. expose-headers: Content-Length, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Content-Type
  137. allow-credentials: true # 布尔值