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3 years ago
  1. package system
  2. import (
  3. ""
  4. ""
  5. ""
  6. ""
  7. )
  8. var Api = new(api)
  9. type api struct{}
  10. func (a *api) TableName() string {
  11. return "sys_apis"
  12. }
  13. func (a *api) Initialize() error {
  14. entities := []system.SysApi{
  15. {ApiGroup: "base", Method: "POST", Path: "/base/login", Description: "用户登录(必选)"},
  16. {ApiGroup: "jwt", Method: "POST", Path: "/jwt/jsonInBlacklist", Description: "jwt加入黑名单(退出,必选)"},
  17. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/user/deleteUser", Description: "删除用户"},
  18. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/register", Description: "用户注册(必选)"},
  19. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/getUserList", Description: "获取用户列表"},
  20. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "PUT", Path: "/user/setUserInfo", Description: "设置用户信息"},
  21. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "PUT", Path: "/user/setSelfInfo", Description: "设置自身信息(必选)"},
  22. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "GET", Path: "/user/getUserInfo", Description: "获取自身信息(必选)"},
  23. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/setUserAuthorities", Description: "设置权限组"},
  24. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/changePassword", Description: "修改密码(建(选择)"},
  25. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/setUserAuthority", Description: "修改用户角色(必选)"},
  26. {ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/resetPassword", Description: "重置用户密码"},
  27. {ApiGroup: "api", Method: "POST", Path: "/api/createApi", Description: "创建api"},
  28. {ApiGroup: "api", Method: "POST", Path: "/api/deleteApi", Description: "删除Api"},
  29. {ApiGroup: "api", Method: "POST", Path: "/api/updateApi", Description: "更新Api"},
  30. {ApiGroup: "api", Method: "POST", Path: "/api/getApiList", Description: "获取api列表"},
  31. {ApiGroup: "api", Method: "POST", Path: "/api/getAllApis", Description: "获取所有api"},
  32. {ApiGroup: "api", Method: "POST", Path: "/api/getApiById", Description: "获取api详细信息"},
  33. {ApiGroup: "api", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/api/deleteApisByIds", Description: "批量删除api"},
  34. {ApiGroup: "角色", Method: "POST", Path: "/authority/copyAuthority", Description: "拷贝角色"},
  35. {ApiGroup: "角色", Method: "POST", Path: "/authority/createAuthority", Description: "创建角色"},
  36. {ApiGroup: "角色", Method: "POST", Path: "/authority/deleteAuthority", Description: "删除角色"},
  37. {ApiGroup: "角色", Method: "PUT", Path: "/authority/updateAuthority", Description: "更新角色信息"},
  38. {ApiGroup: "角色", Method: "POST", Path: "/authority/getAuthorityList", Description: "获取角色列表"},
  39. {ApiGroup: "角色", Method: "POST", Path: "/authority/setDataAuthority", Description: "设置角色资源权限"},
  40. {ApiGroup: "casbin", Method: "POST", Path: "/casbin/updateCasbin", Description: "更改角色api权限"},
  41. {ApiGroup: "casbin", Method: "POST", Path: "/casbin/getPolicyPathByAuthorityId", Description: "获取权限列表"},
  42. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/addBaseMenu", Description: "新增菜单"},
  43. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/getMenu", Description: "获取菜单树(必选)"},
  44. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/deleteBaseMenu", Description: "删除菜单"},
  45. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/updateBaseMenu", Description: "更新菜单"},
  46. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/getBaseMenuById", Description: "根据id获取菜单"},
  47. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/getMenuList", Description: "分页获取基础menu列表"},
  48. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/getBaseMenuTree", Description: "获取用户动态路由"},
  49. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/getMenuAuthority", Description: "获取指定角色menu"},
  50. {ApiGroup: "菜单", Method: "POST", Path: "/menu/addMenuAuthority", Description: "增加menu和角色关联关系"},
  51. {ApiGroup: "分片上传", Method: "POST", Path: "/fileUploadAndDownload/findFile", Description: "寻找目标文件(秒传)"},
  52. {ApiGroup: "分片上传", Method: "POST", Path: "/fileUploadAndDownload/breakpointContinue", Description: "断点续传"},
  53. {ApiGroup: "分片上传", Method: "POST", Path: "/fileUploadAndDownload/breakpointContinueFinish", Description: "断点续传完成"},
  54. {ApiGroup: "分片上传", Method: "POST", Path: "/fileUploadAndDownload/removeChunk", Description: "上传完成移除文件"},
  55. {ApiGroup: "文件上传与下载", Method: "POST", Path: "/fileUploadAndDownload/upload", Description: "文件上传示例"},
  56. {ApiGroup: "文件上传与下载", Method: "POST", Path: "/fileUploadAndDownload/deleteFile", Description: "删除文件"},
  57. {ApiGroup: "文件上传与下载", Method: "POST", Path: "/fileUploadAndDownload/getFileList", Description: "获取上传文件列表"},
  58. {ApiGroup: "系统服务", Method: "POST", Path: "/system/getServerInfo", Description: "获取服务器信息"},
  59. {ApiGroup: "系统服务", Method: "POST", Path: "/system/getSystemConfig", Description: "获取配置文件内容"},
  60. {ApiGroup: "系统服务", Method: "POST", Path: "/system/setSystemConfig", Description: "设置配置文件内容"},
  61. {ApiGroup: "客户", Method: "PUT", Path: "/customer/customer", Description: "更新客户"},
  62. {ApiGroup: "客户", Method: "POST", Path: "/customer/customer", Description: "创建客户"},
  63. {ApiGroup: "客户", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/customer/customer", Description: "删除客户"},
  64. {ApiGroup: "客户", Method: "GET", Path: "/customer/customer", Description: "获取单一客户"},
  65. {ApiGroup: "客户", Method: "GET", Path: "/customer/customerList", Description: "获取客户列表"},
  66. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器", Method: "GET", Path: "/autoCode/getDB", Description: "获取所有数据库"},
  67. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器", Method: "GET", Path: "/autoCode/getTables", Description: "获取数据库表"},
  68. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器", Method: "POST", Path: "/autoCode/createTemp", Description: "自动化代码"},
  69. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器", Method: "POST", Path: "/autoCode/preview", Description: "预览自动化代码"},
  70. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器", Method: "GET", Path: "/autoCode/getColumn", Description: "获取所选table的所有字段"},
  71. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器历史", Method: "POST", Path: "/autoCode/getMeta", Description: "获取meta信息"},
  72. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器历史", Method: "POST", Path: "/autoCode/rollback", Description: "回滚自动生成代码"},
  73. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器历史", Method: "POST", Path: "/autoCode/getSysHistory", Description: "查询回滚记录"},
  74. {ApiGroup: "代码生成器历史", Method: "POST", Path: "/autoCode/delSysHistory", Description: "删除回滚记录"},
  75. {ApiGroup: "系统字典详情", Method: "PUT", Path: "/sysDictionaryDetail/updateSysDictionaryDetail", Description: "更新字典内容"},
  76. {ApiGroup: "系统字典详情", Method: "POST", Path: "/sysDictionaryDetail/createSysDictionaryDetail", Description: "新增字典内容"},
  77. {ApiGroup: "系统字典详情", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/sysDictionaryDetail/deleteSysDictionaryDetail", Description: "删除字典内容"},
  78. {ApiGroup: "系统字典详情", Method: "GET", Path: "/sysDictionaryDetail/findSysDictionaryDetail", Description: "根据ID获取字典内容"},
  79. {ApiGroup: "系统字典详情", Method: "GET", Path: "/sysDictionaryDetail/getSysDictionaryDetailList", Description: "获取字典内容列表"},
  80. {ApiGroup: "系统字典", Method: "POST", Path: "/sysDictionary/createSysDictionary", Description: "新增字典"},
  81. {ApiGroup: "系统字典", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/sysDictionary/deleteSysDictionary", Description: "删除字典"},
  82. {ApiGroup: "系统字典", Method: "PUT", Path: "/sysDictionary/updateSysDictionary", Description: "更新字典"},
  83. {ApiGroup: "系统字典", Method: "GET", Path: "/sysDictionary/findSysDictionary", Description: "根据ID获取字典"},
  84. {ApiGroup: "系统字典", Method: "GET", Path: "/sysDictionary/getSysDictionaryList", Description: "获取字典列表"},
  85. {ApiGroup: "操作记录", Method: "POST", Path: "/sysOperationRecord/createSysOperationRecord", Description: "新增操作记录"},
  86. {ApiGroup: "操作记录", Method: "GET", Path: "/sysOperationRecord/findSysOperationRecord", Description: "根据ID获取操作记录"},
  87. {ApiGroup: "操作记录", Method: "GET", Path: "/sysOperationRecord/getSysOperationRecordList", Description: "获取操作记录列表"},
  88. {ApiGroup: "操作记录", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/sysOperationRecord/deleteSysOperationRecord", Description: "删除操作记录"},
  89. {ApiGroup: "操作记录", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/sysOperationRecord/deleteSysOperationRecordByIds", Description: "批量删除操作历史"},
  90. {ApiGroup: "断点续传(插件版)", Method: "POST", Path: "/simpleUploader/upload", Description: "插件版分片上传"},
  91. {ApiGroup: "断点续传(插件版)", Method: "GET", Path: "/simpleUploader/checkFileMd5", Description: "文件完整度验证"},
  92. {ApiGroup: "断点续传(插件版)", Method: "GET", Path: "/simpleUploader/mergeFileMd5", Description: "上传完成合并文件"},
  93. {ApiGroup: "email", Method: "POST", Path: "/email/emailTest", Description: "发送测试邮件"},
  94. {ApiGroup: "email", Method: "POST", Path: "/email/emailSend", Description: "发送邮件示例"},
  95. {ApiGroup: "excel", Method: "POST", Path: "/excel/importExcel", Description: "导入excel"},
  96. {ApiGroup: "excel", Method: "GET", Path: "/excel/loadExcel", Description: "下载excel"},
  97. {ApiGroup: "excel", Method: "POST", Path: "/excel/exportExcel", Description: "导出excel"},
  98. {ApiGroup: "excel", Method: "GET", Path: "/excel/downloadTemplate", Description: "下载excel模板"},
  99. }
  100. if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
  101. return errors.Wrap(err, a.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
  102. }
  103. return nil
  104. }
  105. func (a *api) CheckDataExist() bool {
  106. if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("path = ? AND method = ?", "/excel/downloadTemplate", "GET").First(&system.SysApi{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
  107. return false
  108. }
  109. return true
  110. }